Dress Codes


updated 2023-2024

Personal appearance guidelines are a concern of the staff and administration during the school day and during school sponsored functions. Certain school activities and events have requirements as to dress and appearance. These occasions will be permitted only with additional rules or guidelines prepared by the director of the activity with the permission of the administration.  Attire or appearance that attracts undue attention to the individual is not acceptable.  Also, attire or accessories which may endanger the wearer, others, or school property, will not be permitted. The administration has the right to decide what acceptable dress is and if school officials “reasonably forecast” that the apparel will cause a material and substantial disruption to school operations, regardless of the wearer’s intent, the apparel can be banned. 

Specific Guidelines:


updated 2023-2024

Personal Appearance guidelines are a concern of the staff and administration during the school day and during school sponsored functions. Certain school activities and events have requirements as to dress and appearance. These occasions will be permitted only with additional rules or guidelines prepared by the director of the activity with the permission of the administration.

Attire or appearance that attracts undue attention to the individual is not acceptable. In addition, attire or accessories, which may endanger the wearer, others, or school property, will not be permitted. The administration has the right to decide what is acceptable. 

Specific Guidelines: