Rock Creek Elementary PTO

Thanks for visiting our PTO page. Our Rock Creek Elementary PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children in our school by fostering relationships among the school, parents, and teachers. Through these relationships we are able to enhance the quality of our children's education with our participation, financial contributions, and a positive attitude toward our school's endeavors!

We would really like for you to join us. All you need to help our school greatly is just a willingness to help and a positive attitude. You just may find that helping our PTO is quite rewarding both for your child and you!

So... would you like to be a part of the PTO? There are many different committees working on specific projects and you can join any one of them. Your time commitment is up to you. 

Whether you can help with one thing or many things, your time is appreciated. We are joining together to help make our school a wonderful place for our children and our staff. 

