Alumni Hall Of Fame

Jefferson Area Education Foundation Seeks Alumni Of The Year Nominations


In this unprecedented year of 2020 where school functions and all else have taken on new dimensions, the Jefferson Area Education Foundation and Alumni Association are going to still seek Alumni of the Year Nominations.   Though the “HomeComing” football game and other former activities are on temporary hold, nominations for this Alumni of the Year will be sought.   

The absolute receipt deadline for nominations will be September 20, 2020 and must be sent to Alumni Of the Year Nominations, c/o Pat Inman  JALS Board of Education, 121 S. Poplar Street, Jefferson, Ohio 44047 or emailed to :

It is simple to nominate someone for this honor: please include the name, complete address, phone number, and year of graduation for the nominee who must be a former graduate of the Jefferson Area High School District.

It would be helpful if the person making the nomination would also include their name, address, and phone number in case the selection committee would need to contact the nominator for more information.

In all cases the nominations should include an explanation of why the nominated person is deserving of this award. “Perhaps the nominee has contributed significantly to their profession, their school, or their community,” organizers said. “How are they a positive role model for present or future students.”

Note that each year new nominations are accepted, therefore, if you previously nominated someone and they were not selected, please nominate them again.

The award was begun in 1996 by the Jefferson Area Education Foundation. The person selected receives a plaque and their name is added to the collective plaque which is on display in the school board office.

Alumni Hall Of Fame Members

1996 -  Stewart Case (Class of 1944)

1997 -  Millie (Valentine) Stutzman (Class of 1944)

1998 -  John Glazier (Class of 1949)

1999 -  Lanny Anderson (Class of 1959)

2000 -  Herbert Housel (Class of 1953)

2001 -  Betty Mae (Jones) Shear (Class of 1945)

2002 -  Larry and Carol (Stutzman) Bragga (Class of 1963)

2003 -  Dr. Richard L. Waters (Class of 1951)

2004 -  James Martin (Class of 1944)

2005 -  Pat (Bragga) Inman (Class of 1959)

2006 -  Mary (Ecko) Hostetler (Class of 1973)

2007 -  Marcia (Takacs) Park (Class of 1978)

2008 -  Dave Keep (Class of 1971) 

2009 -  Jim Baker (Class of 1977)

2010 -  Dr. John R. Patterson (Class of 1974)

2011 -  Joseph Paul (Class of 1980)

2012 -  Martin Cole (Class of 1971)

2013 -  Charles Borsukoff (Class of 1964)

2014 -  Joanne and Frederick "Fritz" Martin (Class of 1952 and 2014)

2015 -  Jaime Hofstetter Marrison (in memoriam) (Class of 1989)

2016 -  Jay Bauwin and Larry Fink (in memoriam) (Class of 1971 and 1960)

2017 -  Timothy Blon (Class of 1980)

2018 -  Dr. Tom Reuschling (Class of 1960)

2019 -  John W. Smolen, Jr. (Class of 1964)

2020 - Dr. Emyrtle Bennett-Hayes (Class of 1967)

2021 -  Sherry Cornell (Class of 1973)

2022 - Jacqueline Washburn Hillyer (Class of 1961)