Curriculum and School Improvement
This Curriculum and Instruction page contain information about our District's educational program. There are materials posted and links provided that support the Jefferson Area Local Schools' curriculum and school improvement initiatives.
The links below take you to materials and our website links related to teaching and learning. The materials are primarily directed toward educators but may also be of interest to parents, community members and students.
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Academic Content Standards Revision Resources
Ohio has adopted clearly defined statements and/or illustrations of what all students, teachers, schools and districts are expected to know and be able to do in every content area.Birth Through Kindergarten Entry - Learning and Development Standards
Ohio’s Kindergarten through Grade 12 Social and Emotional Learning Standards
Ohio’s Educational System Starting with the center, click on each part of the circle below to learn how these components work together to help teachers in the classroom. To select a specific area of study, scroll down for links to related information.
Ohio's Learning Standards: Identify what students should know and be able to do.
Ohio’s Learning Standards-Extended:The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004) requires students with disabilities, including students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, to be provided access to and make progress in grade-level general education curriculum, not an alternate curriculum (CFR 34 § 300.320). The Ohio Learning Standards are the achievement targets used for the general education curriculum.
The Science of Reading
JALSD New / Updated Curriculum Materials Links:
K-8 Mathematics
K-5 Reading / Literacy (notice: This curriculum meet the requirements of the Science of Reading)
myView Literacy (K-5)
myPerspectives® English Language Arts (Grade 6)
Other Links on the WEBSITE
Title I
Title I is a Federally funded program designed to give extra help to students who are at risk of failing to meet State and National standards in the areas of Reading, Math, and Language Arts. Our Title I program operates as a whole school model in both elementary buildings.
Ohio Improvement Process
The Ohio improvement Process embraces the concept that effective schools are engaged in a long-term process of improvement of teaching and learning that is demonstrated by a pattern of continuous improvement of learning for every child. The continuous improvement cycle includes determination of prioritized needs, planning for focused improvement, implementation of the plan, and monitoring and evaluation of the results.