Gifted Education

GIFTED EDUCTATION InformationQuestions Contact:Student Success CoordinatorJeremy Huber,

There are links at the bottom of this page to the Jefferson Area Local Schools' Referral Forms.

Information From The Ohio Department of Education

High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) for Gifted Service in General Education Settings

Gifted Indicator

The Gifted Indicator reflects the level of services to, and the performance of, students who are identified gifted. It includes the performance of these students on state assessments and value-added growth measure. The Gifted Indicator is a part of the graded measure, Indicators Met, on the Report Card

Resources for Parents of Gifted Children

Gifted Screening and Identification

Rules, Regulations and Policies for Gifted Education

JALSD Policy


The Board of Education shall ensure that procedures are established to identify all gifted students. The District follows the identification eligibility criteria as specified in Section 3324.03 of the Ohio Revised Code and the Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Students as specified in the District Plan.

"Gifted" students perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment. Annually, children who are gifted are identified by professionally qualified persons using a variety of assessment procedures. The Board encourages efforts to provide services for the children who are gifted as an integral part of the total kindergarten through grade 12 program.
The Superintendent shall identify children in grades kindergarten through twelve, who may be gifted in one (1) or more of the following areas:
  • Superior Cognitive Ability
  • Specific Academic Ability in one or more of the following content areas:
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Reading, writing, or a combination of these skills
  • Social studies
  • Creative Thinking Ability
  • Visual or Performing Arts Ability such as drawing, painting, sculpting, music, dance, drama
 Only those instruments approved by the Ohio Department of Education shall be used for screening, assessment, and identification of children who are gifted as provided in the Chart of Approved Gifted Identification/Screening Instruments. The District shall select instruments from the approved list that will allow for appropriate screening and identification of minority and disadvantaged students, students with disabilities, and students for whom English is a second language.
Scores on Ohio Department of Education approved assessment instruments provided by other school districts and trained personnel outside the School District shall be accepted.
The Board of Education shall adopt and the Superintendent shall submit to the Ohio Department of Education a plan for the screening, assessment, and identification of children who are gifted. Any revisions to the District plan will be submitted to the Ohio Department of Education for approval. The identification plan shall include the following:
  • the criteria and methods used to screen and select children for further assessment who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment in one (1) of the gifted areas
  • the sources of assessment data used to select children for further testing and an explanation to parents of the multiple assessment instruments required to identify children who are gifted
  • an explanation for parents of the methods used to ensure equal access to screening and further assessment by all District children, culturally and linguistically diverse children, children from low socio-economic background, children with disabilities, and children for whom English is a second language
  • the process of notifying parents regarding all policies and procedures concerning the screening, assessment, and identification of children who are gifted
  • provision of an opportunity for parents to appeal any decision about the results of any screening procedure for assessment, the scheduling of children for assessment, or the placement of a student in any program or for receipt of services
  • procedures for the assessment of children who transfer into the District
  • provisions for students to withdraw from gifted programs and services
  • at least two (2) opportunities a year for assessment in the case of children requesting assessment or recommended for assessment by teachers, parents, or other students
 The District's plan may provide for contracting with any qualified public or private service provider for screening or assessment services under the plan.
The Superintendent shall:
  • ensure equal opportunity for all children identified as gifted to receive any or all services offered by the District;
  • implement a procedure for withdrawal of children from District services and for reassessment of children;
  • implement a procedure for resolving disputes with regard to identification and placement decisions;
  • inform parents of the contents of this policy as required;
  • submit, as required, an annual report to the Ohio Department of Education.
 Placement procedures for District services shall be in conformance with the District's written criteria for determining eligibility for placement in those services.
Written criteria for determining eligibility for placement in a gifted service shall be provided to any parent, District educator, or the Ohio Department of Education upon request. Written criteria provided by the District shall include an explanation of the methods used to ensure equal access to each gifted service for all eligible District students, including minority or disadvantaged students, students with disabilities, and students for whom English is a second language. Services which students receive shall be consistent with their area(s) of identification and shall be differentiated to meet their needs. Subjective criteria such as teacher recommendations shall not be used to exclude a student from service in the superior cognitive and specific academic areas who would otherwise be eligible. All District students who meet the written criteria for a gifted service shall be provided an equal opportunity to receive that service.
The Superintendent shall implement all policies and procedures in accordance with timelines and other requirements of laws, rules and regulations, and follow the Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Students.
The Superintendent shall develop a plan for the service of gifted students enrolled in the District identified under this policy. Gifted services shall occur during the typical instructional day with flexibility allowed for the scheduling of District‑approved internships or mentorships and higher education coursework, including credit flexibility. Services specified in the plan may include such options as the following:
  • a differentiated curriculum
  • differentiated instruction
  • cluster groupings
  • mentorships/internships
  • whole grade acceleration (see Policy 5410)
  • subject acceleration (see Policy 5410)
  • early entrance (see Policy 5112)
  • early high school graduation (see Policy 5464)
  • dual enrollment opportunities including but not limited to college credit plus
  • advanced placement/international baccalaureate courses
  • honors classes
  • magnet schools
  • self-contained classrooms
  • resource rooms
  • independent study/educational options
  • advanced online courses and programs
  • services from a trained art instructor
  • other options identified in the rules of the Ohio Department of Education

A Written Education Plan (WEP) will guide the gifted services based on the student's area(s) of identification and individual needs. The Written Education Plan shall:
  • provide a description of the services to be provided;
  • identify staff members responsible for providing that specific services are delivered;
  • implement a procedure for resolving disputes with regard to identification and placement decisions;
  • specify policies regarding the waiver of assignments and the scheduling of tests missed while participating in any gifted services provided outside the general classroom if different from the District policy detailed below;
  • specify a date by which the WEP will be reviewed for possible revision.

The WEP shall be developed in collaboration with an educator who holds licensure or an endorsement in gifted education. The WEP shall include goals for the student, methods and performance measurements for evaluating progress on the goals, and a schedule for reporting progress to students and parents.
Parents and all educators responsible for providing gifted education services to the student, including teachers providing differentiated instruction in general education settings, shall be provided a copy of the WEP.
Students participating in gifted services provided outside the general education classroom will generally be exempted from routine classwork (worksheets, homework, etc.) assigned during absences from the regular classroom due to participation in the gifted services. Students are to turn in work due the day of absence and make arrangements to make up missed tests. Special classwork (projects, book reports, etc.) assigned during the student's absence are to be completed. Exceptions to this policy will be detailed in the student's Written Education Plan.
The District shall report to parents and the Ohio Department of Education that a student is receiving gifted education services only if the services are provided in conformance with the Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Students.
Each year, the District shall submit data and participate in program audits as required by the Department.