Student Wellness

Student Wellness and Success Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid Plan / Resources

Jefferson Area Local Schools FY24/FY25

Plan and Agreement Revised and Executed: September 7, 2023

Ohio’s districts and schools receive Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Funds to fund initiatives to support wraparound services for Ohio’s students.  

For the 2024 and 2025 School Years the following requirements have been adopted by the State of Ohio:

Updates for FY24 and FY25 include requirements for districts and schools to: 

The JALSD Plan

The Jefferson Area Local Schools (JALSD) worked in partnership with The Ashtabula County Educational Service Center (ACESC) to develop a plan to help the JALSD and their schools support their students’ academic achievement through mental health counseling, school security, school resources officers, additional school psychologist services, implementation of PBIS throughout the district and participation in ACESC district and building administrator meetings.

Plan Summary:

Goal: To enhance educational equity and holistic student development in order to improve academic outcomes for disadvantaged pupils, strengthen mental health services, implement PBIS, enhance school safety and security, and develop data-driven decision-making processes to support our students and their families.

The JALSD continues to work with the ACESC to identify and work with organizations in Ashtabula County to determine community needs and resources, so they can use the state dollars to make the greatest impact on students’ lives. JALSD will use the funds to help their district plan, launch and maintain these student wellness initiatives.


Both parties have agreed to continue to work in partnership during the full extent of the program. This Agreement shall commence on the above stated date and shall terminate no sooner than June 30, 2025. (see partnership agreement at the bottom of this page)


The JALSD agrees to the following:                         


FY 24: Student Wellness and Success: $315,012.60

FY:24 Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid (DPIA): $237,368.90

Special Grant  for 2023-2025: 

Jefferson Area Local (045872) - Ashtabula County - 2024 - Stronger Connections Grant: $21,606.66 (2 years)

How Funds were utilized FY24:


Student Wellness and Success:

Physical health care services, including telehealth services and community-based health services

Stronger Connections Grant:

The focus of this grant is Professional development training for school staff in Trauma Informed Care and classroom practices.

Specifically, this 2 year long training process will provide training to all staff members on the impact of trauma on student learning and behavior, and on trauma-informed teaching strategies. The training will include information on how to recognize trauma symptoms in students, how to respond to students in crisis, and how to create a safe and supportive learning environment. Additionally, the development of strategies and practices that the district can develop to extend training and assistance to families in need will be a second area of focus.

We are looking at the research and practical ways that our Schools can create a safe and supportive learning environment by implementing practices such as our (PBIS) positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS), as well as awareness of restorative justice, and mindfulness. These practices can help students feel supported and connected to their school community.


JALSD / ACESC Partnership Agreement

Also See the JALSD Strategic / Improvement Plan  

Some Resources Additional Information:

Mental Health and Trauma Training Library

DEW Resources and Information Page

Cadence Care Network

Page updated: 6-25-2024