Senate Bill 29

JALSD Compliance

Jefferson Area Local Schools  



Ohio Revised Code §3319.327


This notice is provided (here and annually in our registration / opening of school information) to meet requirements implemented through Ohio Senate Bill 29 (“SB29”) that was passed by the Ohio General Assembly, effective on October 24, 2024.


While students have no right or expectation of privacy when using District technology resources, the Jefferson Area Local School District (also referred to as the “District”) and certain third-party technology providers that provide services through a contract with the District are prohibited by State law from electronically accessing or monitoring certain features on school-issued devices provided to students unless a legally permissible exception exists. The prohibited features include: 

School-issued devices are defined as any hardware, software, devices, or accounts that a school district provides to an individual student for that student’s personal use.

The Jefferson Area Local School District is required to annually provide parents and guardians with this general notice that informs them, the District, and its technology providers of the plans to electronically access or monitor your student’s school-issued devices for the following permissible reasons:

Any other electronic monitoring not listed above can only occur when advance notice is provided.

No further notice is required for the District to monitor under reason #1. 

In the event that one of the circumstances listed in reasons #2-#6 occurs, the District will provide you with a seventy-two (72) hour notice of what features of the device were accessed, a written description of the circumstance, and description of the threat, if any. If the notice itself could pose a threat to life or safety, the seventy-two (72) hour notice will be provided within seventy-two (72) hours after the threat has ended.

Questions or concerns about the implementation of Senate Bill 29 should be directed via email to:

William Mullane

Below: The JALSD (Reason #1) list of Electronic /on-line curriculum, textbooks, software, and applications used by our district for instructional, assessment, internet safety purposes. 

 The list includes links to each provider's website, along with privacy, and terms of use information.  

The following  are covered with the above required general notice under SB 29's permissible reason #1 which is defined as an activity that is limited to non-commercial educational purposes for instruction, technical support, or exam proctoring by School District employees or staff contracted by the District.

On the following list the columns to the right are shaded if the header information applies.

List last updated 2-7-25

SB 29 Master List Programs JALSD 2024 rev 2-7-25.pdf

Senate Bill 29 / Policies, Guidelines Posted 2-7-25

SB29 JALSD Policies Guidelines Legal References 11-12-24.pdf

Required Parent Notification  Letter Mailed Annually

SB 29 Parent Letter 24-25.pdf