District English Learner Plan

The JALSD has Identified how Screening, Identifying, Placing, Supporting, Testing and Exiting English Learners will be conducted, and our program implemented.

Our district plan follows state and federal guidelines in providing service to English Learners (ELs), formerly called Limited English Proficient (LEP) students.

Ohio English Language Proficiency Tests 24-25

Program Contact:

Stacy Alexander, TESOL/BLMC  stacy.alexander@jalsd.org

JALSD District English Learner Plan final rev 11-2024.pdf


Ohio Department of Education / English Learners Resources

Instructional Resources for Teachers

Strategies for Diverse Learners Using the UDL Model Focus on English Learners (EL) 

Teaching English Learners: What Classroom and Content Teachers Need to Know About English Learners Developed and compiled by: Carol Striskovic, Linda Wait and Jill Kramer

Lau Resource Center for English Learners  Ohio’s strategic plan for education, Each Child, Our Future, considers students who are English learners from a whole child perspective. Ohio’s Whole Child framework recognizes the linguistic, intellectual and social development necessary for students to fully engage in learning and school.