Teacher & Principal Evaluation
Teacher Evaluation OTES 2.0
This page supports the Ohio's teacher evaluation system (OTES 2.0) for the Jefferson Area Local School District.
3220 - STANDARDS-BASED TEACHER EVALUATION Board Policy: you can review or download the policy at the bottom of this page.
Ohio Evaluation System (OHES)
The OTES process 2.0 is managed in the Ohio Evaluation System (OHES).
Click Here to Access: https://ohioes.com/login
The Ohio Evaluation System (OhioES) is an online educator evaluation system for use by Ohio districts and schools that are implementing OTES 2.0. Evaluators will collect and store growth and improvement plans, evidence and documented observations to determine educator performance based upon the defined rubric. The electronic system will follow the frameworks for educator evaluation as adopted by the State Board of Education, which include multiple measures of educator performance.
Professional Growth Plans and Professional Improvement Plans
Based upon the results of the annual teacher evaluation, each teacher must develop either a professional growth plan or be placed on a professional improvement plan as follows:
A. A teacher whose final holistic rating is "accomplished" on his/her most recent evaluation will develop a self-directed Professional Growth Plan annually
B. A teacher whose final holistic rating is “skilled” will develop a professional growth plan collaboratively with his/her credentialed evaluator.
C. A teacher whose final holistic rating is "developing" will develop a professional growth plan guided by his/her assigned credentialed evaluator, utilizing the components determined by the District.
D. A teacher whose final holistic rating is "ineffective" will be placed on a professional improvement plan by their assigned evaluator, utilizing the components determined by the District.
E. A teacher who is new to the profession or new to the District will develop a professional growth
plan collaboratively with his/her credentialed evaluator.
F. The District administration has discretion to place a teacher on an Improvement Plan when
deficiencies are noted in the evaluation system by the teacher
When writing a professional growth plan the number of goals that each teacher will be required to adopt is as follows:
· Accomplished one goal
· Skilled / Developing two goals
· Ineffective two goals
Teachers will base their Growth Plan on the previous year’s evaluation and data. Growth plans will be developed and approved by September 30th.
Alignment of PGP to District and Building Improvement Plans: Teachers along with their evaluator will identify items included in the Building / District improvement plan that align with the teacher’s PGP.
Accomplished teachers will be required to cite their alignment.
Skilled and Developing Teachers will be determined to be in alignment when their evaluator approves the PGP.
Ineffective teachers will have goals prescribed by their evaluator and will be considered aligned when the plan is approved.
Educator / Teacher Instructions for creating a Growth Plan in OHES
Evaluator Instructions for Completing a Growth Plan After it has been submitted
Both are available to download at bottom of this page
Professional Growth Plan (Evaluator Guided)
Professional Growth Plans help teachers focus on areas of professional development that will enable them to improve their practice. Teachers are accountable for the implementation and completion of the plan and should use the plan as a starting point for the school year. The Professional Growth Plan and process includes feedback from the evaluator as well as the teacher’s self-assessment and high-quality student data while addressing the support needed to further the teacher’s continuous growth and development. The Professional Growth Plan is intended to be one academic year in duration and may support the goals of the Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP). This plan will align to the district and/or building improvement plan.
Professional development should be individualized to the needs of the teacher and students (based on available data) and specifically relate to the teacher’s areas for growth as identified in the teacher’s evaluation. The evaluator should recommend professional development opportunities and support the teacher by providing resources (e.g., time, financial). The Professional Growth Plan should be reflective of the evidence available and focus on specific areas identified in the observations and evaluation to determine that the teacher is making progress.
Teachers develop Professional Growth Plans annually to help them identify areas of professional development that will enable them to enhance their practice. Teachers are accountable for implementing and completing the plan and should use it as a starting point for the school year.
NOTE: Professional Growth Plans cannot replace Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDP), nor can Individual Professional Development Plans replace Professional Growth Plans. (Click Here IPDP vs PGP)
The following two items are at the bottom of this page:
JALSD Professional Growth Plan Planning Document
JALSD PGP Goal Planning Template
DATA / HQSD High Quality Student Data
In addition to the value-added data which is required to be used if a teacher has such data, the superintendent or his designee may select high-quality data from among state-approved vendor assessments or other locally determined measures or instruments that meet the definition and criteria outlined above.
Annually, the Superintendent or his designee shall develop a list of approved high-quality student data unless using a vendor assessment from ODE approved list in collaboration with the district evaluation committee, with experts in the field of education, district administrators, and with the district’s Building Leadership teams (BLT).
When utilizing vendor assessments to construct HQSD and all affected staff shall be trained on utilization of the assessment program.
For the purpose of selecting high-quality student data, the Board defines the term “expert” to include members of the District’s administrative team, credentialed evaluators, and the district’s teachers and teacher teams. They will be responsible for approving HQSD instruments after they have been developed, or identified, reviewed and recommended by a grade level, content area, special education, Title I or Educational Specialist (art, music, health, PE, technology teacher, etc. or in the cases where a content area has only one teacher in the field, that specialist)
The District’s two elementary buildings will share their approved HQSD instruments for use in both buildings.
As a part of the HQSD identification and approval process it must be determined that the instrument produces data that can be used by teachers to:
Critically reflect upon and analyze available data, use the information as part of an ongoing cycle of support for student learning
Consider student learning needs and styles, identify the strengths and weaknesses of an entire class as well as individual students
Inform instruction, adapting instruction to meet student need based upon the information gained from the data analysis
Measure student learning (achievement and/or growth) and progress towards achieving state/local standards
HQSD shall be used as evidence in any component of the teacher’s evaluation related to the following:
Knowledge of the students to whom the teacher provides instruction
The teacher’s use of differentiated instruction practices
Assessment of student learning
The use of assessment data
Professional responsibility and growth
Teachers must provide evidence to their evaluator which demonstrates that they have used high-quality student data. Evidence will be presented in either or both the preconference and post conference setting or any other process developed by the evaluator and teacher.
The following two items are at the bottom of this page:
HQSD Guidance Tool
Using HQSD to Inform and Enhance Practice
Evaluation Process
Assessment of Teacher Performance
Teacher performance shall be based on the evidence provided by the teacher and formal observations and walkthroughs by the teacher’s assigned evaluator.
Such performance will be used to determine the teacher's evaluation rating and will be assessed through a holistic process by trained and credentialed evaluators based upon the following Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession:
understanding student learning and development, respecting student diversity, and holding high expectations for all students to achieve and make progress at high levels;
knowing and understanding the content area for which they have instructional responsibility;
understanding and using varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning;
planning and delivering effective instruction that advances individual student learning;
creating learning environments that promote high levels of student learning and achievement for all students;
collaborating and communicating with students, parents, other educators, District administrators, and the community to support student learning; and
assuming responsibility for professional growth and performance as an individual and as a member of a learning community. (Standards for the Teaching Profession - Click Here)
Each teacher evaluated under this policy may (not required) complete a "Self-Assessment" utilizing the Self-Assessment Summary Tool. If utilized the results are private and not required to be shared with the evaluator.
Formal Observation and Classroom Walkthrough Sequence
A. A teacher not under consideration for renewal or nonrenewal who is subject to a full evaluation cycle shall be evaluated based on at least two (2) formal observations of at least thirty (30) minutes each and periodic classroom walkthroughs each school year.
The first formal observation will be a holistic observation where the evaluator assesses all areas of the rubric demonstrated during the observation as well as information gained from a pre-observation conference. Teachers and evaluators may mutually agree to accomplish this remotely through e-mail, video conference or sharing information in writing.
B. The second and any subsequent formal observation(s) will be focused observations in which the evaluator emphasizes identified focus area(s). Identified focus areas will be selected after completion of the holistic observation and may include area(s) of relative strength and/or area(s) targeted for improvement.
Teachers with a final evaluation rating of Accomplished (from the previous year) will select their own focus area(s).
A teacher with a final evaluation rating of Skilled (from the previous year) will select focus area(s) in collaboration with his/her evaluator.
A teacher with a final evaluation rating of Developing (from the previous year) will be guided by his/her evaluator in determining focus area(s).
A teacher with a final evaluation rating of Ineffective (from the previous year) will have focus area(s) selected by the evaluator.
A teacher new to the profession will select focus area(s) in collaboration with his/her evaluator."
Evaluators will collect evidence during the focused observation to assess the identified focus area(s). Evaluators will also document evidence to support the final evaluation rating.
Any teacher on a limited contract who is under consideration for nonrenewal shall receive at least three (3) formal observations in addition to periodic (at least two (2) classroom walkthroughs.
Evaluation Intervals Based on Ratings:
A teacher who has been granted a continuing contract by the Board and who receives a rating of "Accomplished" on his/her most recent evaluation may be evaluated once every three (3) years.
The teacher will be required to submit a self-directed professional growth plan to the evaluator, and the evaluator will determine if the teacher is making progress on the plan.
The professional growth plan will focus on the most recent evaluation of the teacher.
The teacher will be provided with at least one (1) formal or informal observation and post-conference in any year that such teacher is not formally evaluated.
The Board may evaluate each teacher who has been granted a continuing contract by the Board and who received a rating of Skilled on the teacher's most recent evaluation once every two (2) years.
The teacher and the evaluator will jointly develop a professional growth plan for the teacher and the evaluator will determine if the teacher is making progress on the plan.
The professional growth plan will focus on the most recent evaluation and observations of the teacher.
Teachers will be provided with at least one (1) formal or informal observation and post-conference in any year that such teacher is not formally evaluated.
Evaluations will be completed by April 1st and each teacher will be provided a written report of the results of his/her evaluation by April 15th. Written notice of nonrenewal will be provided by April 30th.
In evaluating teacher performance, the Board shall utilize the measures set forth by the Ohio Department of Education's OTES "Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric" for instructional planning, instruction and assessment, and professionalism.
There is an Editable Teacher Performance Rubric at the bottom of this page
Each teacher evaluated under this policy may (not required) complete a "Self-Assessment" utilizing the Self-Assessment Summary Tool. If utilized the results are private and not required to be shared with the evaluator. - Provided at the bottom of this page.
Formal Observation Procedure
A teacher may provide evidence to the credentialed evaluator to support and inform an accurate reflection of the Evaluation Factors being evaluated.
A. The first formal observation will be preceded by a conference between the evaluator and the employee prior to the observation for the employee to explain plans and objectives for the classroom situation to be observed. Teachers and evaluators may mutually agree to accomplish this remotely through e-mail, video conference or sharing information in writing.
B. A post-observation conference shall be held after each formal observation. A teacher may provide evidence to the credentialed evaluator to support and inform an accurate reflection of the Evaluation Factors being evaluated.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
student information affecting educational progress,
student interest or learning style surveys,
classroom rules,
lesson plans,
summative assessments,
Ohio's Benchmark and Checkpoint Assessments,
professional education organization work,
education awards, and
student work samples.
Completion of required or supplemental professional development
All evidence presented shall be included in the report and will be considered in the evaluator’s assessment of the teacher.
Informal Observation/Classroom Walkthrough Procedure
A walkthrough is an informal observation in which an evaluator may assess one or more areas in the Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric.
Evaluators may but are not limited to collecting evidence in any identified focus area(s). Walkthroughs may be announced or unannounced. The walkthrough should be of sufficient duration to allow the evaluator to assess the focus of the walkthrough.
No more than two walkthroughs shall be conducted in each evaluation cycle. If a teacher is rated ineffective no more than 4 walkthroughs shall be conducted in each evaluation cycle.
A walkthrough shall consist of at least ten (10) consecutive minutes, but not more than twenty (20) consecutive minutes in duration. The walkthrough should be of sufficient duration to allow the evaluator to assess the focus of the walkthrough.
Data gathered from a walkthrough will inform the final evaluation.
At the request of the teacher, a formal debriefing shall occur no later than two (2) workdays after the walkthrough to discuss observations of the evaluator
Feedback from a walkthrough that is being used to inform an evaluation shall be provided after the walkthrough. The teacher and/or administrator may request a face to face meeting to discuss observations relative to the identified focus of the walkthrough.