Rock Creek Alumni
Rock Creek has a long and proud educational tradition. We celebrate and honor our treasured past while striving to prepare our community's children for highly successful futures.
Rock Creek Alumni Association
Tom Bowen
Class of 1981
Lenore Gilhousen
Class of 1977
Corresponding Secretary:
Jennifer Takacs
Class of 1989
Corresponding Secretary:
Iva Garbutt Chom
Class of 1968
Marcia Ray Hunt
Class of 1959
The original Rock Creek school was built in 1869 with the east and west wings being added in 1923. In 1948 the gymnasium, cafeteria, restrooms and two classrooms were added to the west end of the building. The building remained the same until 1994 when two large rooms were added to the east side of the building.
During the years of 1869 to 1962 grades 1-12 were at the school. The class of 1962 was the last graduating class from Rock Creek High School before consolidating with Jefferson Schools, leaving grades K-6 as an elementary school.
In 2004 the building was recognized as a century building. On February 9, 2005 it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
A lot of students have passed through the halls of this beautiful building, each one gathering knowledge from dedicated teachers and staff. There are many wonderful memories for numerous people.
The last day as a public school was on June 5, 2008.
(Information is courtesy of Loretta Panzarella, Rock Creek Alumni Association Historian and valued member of the Rock Creek Elementary staff.)
We are currently enjoying a new school building in Rock Creek that offers our students wonderful opportunities for continued success.