Special Education

Support for Exceptional Children

Support for Exceptional Children (Special Education):

Ms. Tiffany Mayorga - Special Education Supervisor 


(440) 576-9180 ext. 1360



The Board of Education is committed to providing a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to children with disabilities identified in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations. This includes students who are confined to community corrections facilities or juvenile detention centers. The District shall provide students with disabilities the services to which they are entitled pursuant to their individualized education programs (IEPs) and in accordance with the Operating Standards for Ohio Educational Agencies Serving Children with Disabilities, including Child Find and Evaluation requirements. Students with disabilities who are in adult county jails shall continue to receive FAPE during incarceration subject to their continued eligibility for services and subject to exceptions related to security and safety.


In order to satisfy the requirements of the Operating Standards for Ohio Educational Agencies Serving Children with Disabilities ("Ohio Operating Standards"), the Board of Education adopts the model policies and procedures promulgated by the Ohio Department of Education's Office of Exceptional Children (ODE-OEC), which is embedded below.

While the Special Education Model Policies and Procedures ("Model Policies") issued by the ODE-OEC are comprehensive, the document does not include every requirement set forth in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 ("IDEIA"), the regulations implementing the IDEIA, the Operating Standards, the Ohio Revised Code, and/or the Ohio Administrative Code. As such, the Board affirms its obligation to follow these laws and regulations, regardless of whether their provisions are restated in the Model Policies.

Index of important most frequently asked information in the Policies and Procedures below:

policy: 2260.01  504 Education Section:  The Board is committed to educating (or providing for the education of) each qualified person with a disability who resides within the District with persons who are not disabled to the maximum extent appropriate. Generally, the District will place a person with a disability in the regular educational environment unless it is demonstrated that the education of the person in the regular environment, even with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. 

If the District places a person in a setting other than the regular educational environment, it shall take into account the proximity of the alternate setting to the person's home. If the Board operates a separate class or facility that is identifiable as being for persons with disabilities, the facility, program, and activities and services must be comparable to the facilities, programs, and activities and services offered to students without a disability.

The Board will provide non-academic extracurricular services and activities in such a manner as is necessary to afford qualified persons with disabilities an equal opportunity for participation in such services and activities. Non-academic and extracurricular services and activities may include counseling services, physical recreational athletics, transportation, health services, recreational activities, special interest groups or clubs sponsored by the District, referrals to agencies that provide assistance to persons with disabilities, and employment of students. In providing or arranging for the provision of meals and recess periods, and non-academic and extracurricular services and activities, including those listed above, the District will verify that persons with disabilities participate with persons without disabilities in such services and activities to the maximum extent appropriate.

Ms. Tiffany Mayorga - Special Education Supervisor 


(440) 576-9180 ext. 1360

JALSD - ODE special-education-model-policies-and-procedures-with-appendix-a-final-pdf.pdf

Support Links

Operating Standards, Legal References,  and Guidance - Click Here

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)  - Click Here

A Guide to Parent Rights in Special Education / special education procedural safeguards  - Click Here   Spanish Version- Click Here

Ohio’s Plan to Improve Learning Experiences and Outcomes for Students with Disabilities - Click Here

The Secondary Transition Roadmap is an interactive tool may be used by families of children with disabilities ages 3-21 to identify crucial points of the secondary transition process. The tool also includes key websites and resources to help families and their children prepare for life after high school. - Click Here

Getting Involved with your Child's Learning - Click Here

Family Engagement Center Ohio State University

Resources For Families

Welcome to our families hub, where we share research-based resources and tools to help launch students to success! You can find resources on a variety of topics for each grade level to support your child and you as a parent or caregiver, while also helping you, your school, and your community work together better.  Click Here

Preschool Special Education - In Ohio, preschool special education is for three- to five-year old children with disabilities. The Office of Early Learning and School Readiness aims for families, preschool staff, and the community to work together to meet the needs of young children with disabilities. To meet individual children’s needs, districts offer a variety of preschool special education services. Children with disabilities may receive services in public schools, private preschools, or child care centers. - Click Here