Attendance Policy
State Attendance Requirements under House Bill 410
“Habitual Truant” changed from DAYS to HOURS:
Absent 30 or more consecutive hours without legitimate excuse
Absent 42 or more hours in one month without a legitimate excuse
Absent 72 or more hours in one year without a legitimate excuse
Includes “Excessive Absences”
Absent 38 or more hours in one school month with or without legitimate excuse
Absent 65 or more hours in one school year with or without legitimate excuse
Tardies will accumulate into hours and are included as attendance requirements under House Bill 410.
The “Absence Intervention Team” is composed of:
Representative of child’s school
Another representative from the school who knows the student (Counselor/Teacher)
Student’s Parent, Custodian, or Guardian
The purpose of the “Absence Intervention Team” is to:
To develop a plan to improve the student’s attendance
Failure to attend AIT meeting will result by law in a referral to Ashtabula County Children’s Services Bureau