Literacy Plan and English Language Arts

The implementation of our district Reading & Literacy program in grades K-12 is an ongoing process with an end in mind; our students meet the goal of Ohio’s strategic plan Each Child, Our Future” which aims to ensure every child is challenged, prepared, and empowered to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society. It is aligned with OHIO’S PLAN TO RAISE LITERACY ACHIEVEMENT.


Ohio's definition of early literacy includes a continuum of literacy development that spans birth through grade three. This continuum begins with the development of receptive language and expressive language. By the end of third grade, literacy development culminates in the attainment of fluency and comprehension of text, as well as the ability to use writing to communicate and compose narrative or expository text. We are working to assure that all our students leave third grade proficient or above in reading as defined in Ohio’s standards and assessments.


The standards insist that instruction in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language be a shared responsibility within the school. The K-5 standards include expectations for reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language applicable to a range of subjects, including, but not limited to, English language arts (ELA). The grades 6-12 standards are divided into two sections, one for ELA and the other for history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. This division reflects the unique, time-honored place of ELA teachers in developing students’ literacy skills while at the same time recognizing that teachers in other areas must have roles in this development as well.


Ohio’s Learning Standards

Ohio has developed high-quality learning standards aligned across grades that define what learners should know and be able to do. These include:

• Early Learning and Development Standards (birth to kindergarten entry);

• Ohio’s Learning Standards (kindergarten-grade 12, including standards for literacy in history and social studies, science and

technical subjects for grades 6-12).

• Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards.

• Ohio’s Learning Standards Extended for learners with significant cognitive disabilities; and

• Ohio’s K-12 Social and Emotional Learning Standards.


Ohio’s System of Assessments

Ohio has developed a standards-aligned system of assessments that measures language and literacy development and outcomes using the following:

• Early Learning Assessment for preschool-age children.

• Kindergarten Readiness Assessment for learners entering kindergarten.

• K-3 reading diagnostic assessments used to screen students in kindergarten-grade 3 for reading difficulties.

• Ohio’s State Tests in English Language Arts for grades 3-8; and

• High school end-of-course exams in English language arts.


Subsequently, after grade 3 students will progress in reading consistent with Ohio’s standards and assessments culminating in High School where students will demonstrate the ability to read, write and think effectively with the goal of becoming positive contributors to society. Students will acquire an extensive vocabulary through reading, discussion, listening, and word study. Students will be college and career ready in literacy by the end of high school. In grades 6-12 the Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects and Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects are implemented.


If Ohio's standards are implemented with integrity students will:

·   Demonstrate Independence

·   Have strong content knowledge

·   Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline

·   Comprehend as well as critique

·   Value evidence

·   Use technology and digital media strategically and capably

·   Understand other perspectives and cultures


Students in grade K-12 will meet the standards for their grade level in each of the following Strands: Reading for Literature / Reading for Information / Reading Foundations / Writing / Speaking and Listening / Language

Below is our JALSD Literacy Plan

JALSD Literacy Plan rev. 7-2024.pdf